Creative Out of Office Message Templates for a Memorable Auto Reply

hands typing on a laptop keyboard.

Taking a much-needed vacation is a joy for any working professional seeking time to rest and recharge. While you may love what you do, there’s nothing like a well-deserved break to rediscover what matters most.

However, one necessary–but challenging–step you must take before you can sign off and detach yourself from the office for your vacation: preparing your out-of-office message. Vacation auto-replies must outline important information about your break while showing your personality and fitting your work environment.

Instead of sitting in front of your screen struggling to come up with out-of-office emails, consider some of our favorite out-of-office message templates to set up your next vacation effortlessly. From professional to casual and humorous ideas, here are some replies you can copy and paste for your next scheduled break.

Knowing Your Audience and What to Include

You must know who you’re writing for before creating the perfect out-of-office message/vacation auto-reply template. Different styles will suit different audiences–for instance, if you’re writing a reply for your higher-ups and want to keep things professional, you’ll need to tailor your message differently than if you’re writing to colleagues, you’re friendly with.

Before choosing from the templates below, remember to always include the following details in your out-of-office email:

  • Start date of your vacation
  • The date you’ll be returning to work
  • The name and contact information of a coworker that people can reach out to in your absence
  • Any details essential to how the recipient performs their job and daily responsibilities

The Classic Professional Style

If you’re writing for a strictly-professional audience, consider the following classic template:

Keeping it Casual

For a simple out-of-office message that doesn’t sound too professional, use the following template:

Simple and Concise

Would you prefer to keep your out-of-office message/vacation auto-reply short and to the point? Here’s a quick reply you can copy and paste to let your coworkers know about your absence:

Make it Light and Humorous

The beauty of out-of-office emails is that you can take them in any direction you want if it fits your work environment. If you’re going for a casual and lighthearted tone, consider the following humorous out-of-office message:

For Family Vacations

Are you taking time off work to spend with your family? Let your colleagues know in your out-of-office message for a personal twist on the classic auto-reply:

Keep it Mysterious

If you want to keep your out-of-office message on the humorous side without giving too much away, keep it mysterious with the following template:

Brag About It

Let’s face it: when you take a vacation from work, you’re the envy of the office. If you’re writing for an audience that can take a workplace joke, don’t be afraid to point out the obvious and gloat a little in your out-of-office email:

Find More Travel Tips and Resources

Looking forward to a smooth and relaxing break from work? There’s more to your trip than planning an out-of-office email. Find more travel tips and resources to plan your next vacation from our blog today!